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Game Designer, Level Designer, 3D Artist, Sound Designer, Composer

June 2024 - Current



Software Used

Unity, Blender, Gimp, Ableton Live


First-person, rougelite, arena shooter


Steam - TBA

Key Contributions

  • Core game design pillars

  • Combat design 

  • 3D multiplayer level design

  • 3D environment art

  • 3D character art

  • Sound design & music composition

  • Programming of scripted events and game systems

  • Game and level design documentation

Level Design & Environment Art

Above is a gallery of the levels I have designed for this project. In order they are: Mesa, Shooting Range, Colosseum, Rooftops, and Close Quarters.

Mesa is meant to be a more open outdoor space where players will have to utilize their movement to quickly traverse the level and find cover. My goal for this level was to balance the risk vs reward of finding vantage points while having to sprint through a fairly open area. The being said I didn't want the level to be too punishing, as keen players can utilize the more hidden back paths along the edges of the level to safely make their way and surprise unsuspecting foes.

Shooting Range is a more traditional FPS map as we know it today, with three distinct lanes, and intersecting areas that allow traversal between them. This map promotes smart use of cover and vantage points, as well as areas that allow players to double back on each other. However, I tried to make the layout flow smoothly for easy traversal so that players remain engaged in combat rather than playing waiting games holding angles. That being said, in the chaos of multiplayer shenanigans, this map does allow a player to hunker down briefly to pick off their target.  

Colosseum is a mix of open and closed spaces set up in a way to force players to engage in combat. While the upper floor may give a player high ground advantage, it is more narrow and can be pushed from multiple sides. That being said, it is cyclically connected and has multiple options for escape. The bottom sand pit on the other hand is a more open space, but provides ample scattered cover as well as protection from above. 

Rooftops is a more segmented level with two distinct, symmetrical sides, connected by means of bridges or jumping across the geometry. The goal of this level was to make players think carefully about utilizing the more sparse cover and points where they can loop back around to flank an enemy. Such spaces being the rear stairs and second floor holes. Additionally, this level rewards good use of movement to make strategic jumps and overall traversal.

Close Quarters is an indoor tight nit map that gets players into the action quickly. Each spawn room is located fairly close to each other, separated by angular hallways and offshoot paths. This level is meant to reward players for successfully being able to double back on their opponents and use the layout to outsmart each other. The presence of a smaller second floor also supports this, as it can be a quick method of escape through utilizing the central hole back down to the bottom, while keeping the constrained feeling of the map. 

Character Art

Above is the character model I made in blender. Shown is the high poly sculpt, low poly retopo, low poly wireframe, unwrapped UV's, and original character concept (drawn by Liam McAlinden).

The art direction of this game is leaning towards a stylized, PS2 era look. Additionally, with the nature of the game being a chaotic arena shooter, the character design we went for was a body builder Luchador with very exaggerated proportions. 


Mississauga, Ontario, Canada


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